I think I get over excited around the New Year just because I can plan and schedule the next year! Let me tell you something! Nothing is more exciting that planning out events! I currently have a cloth diaper, breastfeeding, celebrating moms, and maternal mental health awareness in my line up! Let's dive in!

Let's talk about my events! First, January is dedicated to self care for me. Filling my cup is the most important part of my business, and I tend to tell people about self care a lot so I put it into practice too.
February, what is this TCOP? TCOP stands for The Carrying On Project? My new favorite organization! With TCOP we do a quarterly playdate. I am hoping to do a bit of fundraising and a giveaway with them! Yes, it will be a baby carrier and some customs for giveaway! I will probably give sneak peaks as the event gets closer. Just kidding, I'll tell you now, its the Ergo Adapt ;) and a bunch more stuff! So make sure you stay tuned for that! Playdates are always FREE to attend, donations can be sent directly to The Carrying On Project!
March, World Doula Week. Did I tell you most of my BIG events are synonymous to GIVEAWAYS? There might be a DOULA TRAINING for this month coming to El Puerto de Santa Maria! Lots of information about doulas too! Like seriously if you are not following my page, this will be a good month to start. This event will be FREE.
April, the Great Cloth Diaper Change! What does that include? Aside from keeping a world record on how many babies got their diaper changed? Well, I love putting classes together! I am hoping I can get guest speakers to do a talk about their specialties! But we can also put together a Diaper Exchange table! The Great Cloth Diaper Change (GCDC) is a worldwide cloth diaper changing challenege to help promote the benefits of cloth diapering.
May, Mothers Day. Since our November Postpartum Party got cancelled from lack of participation. Let's try a slightly bigger one. I may have to ask for a small fee this round because I would prefer if people just don't ghost the event. I do understand life happens but if the event is set for 10, I usually get 10 swag bags for the participants. But it will be so much fun with lots of giveaways! See the trend here? I love to giveaway things.
June, Climb Out of the Darkness, it will be slightly on the warmer side here in Andalucia but have no fear! I will find a place to walk in the shade (I'm looking at the Pines at Vista Hermosa area). What is this COTD? Climb Out of the Darkness (COTD) is the world’s largest event raising awareness of maternal mental illnesses like postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety and OCD, postpartum post-traumatic stress, postpartum psychosis, perinatal bipolar mood disorders, and pregnancy depression and anxiety.
July, lets have another TCOP playdate! Same thing, a bit of fundraiser and a lot of giveaways!
August, World Breastfeeding week! You know what happens on the Friday and Saturday? Its the Global Big Latch On! Global Big Latch On events take place at registered locations around the world, where people gather together to breastfeed and offer peer support to each other. Their friends, family and community join this celebration to promote and support breastfeeding. Volunteers from within the community host each location, hosting a Global Big Latch On event creates a lasting support network for the community.
Well that's 7 months of GIVEAWAYS! and lots of community building!
I usually take a break in September and then roll over to October! Which is the World Babywearing Week! But that's a topic for another day.